Selasa, 08 November 2011

Meningkatkan pendidikan adalah cara terbaik untuk memecahkan kemiskinan

    Kemiskinan masih menjadi masalah besar dunia yang belum ditemukan penyelesaiannya sampai sekarang. Masalah ini pun dihadapi oleh hampir seluruh negara, bahkan negara yang paling maju sekalipun, seperti Amerika Serikat dan Inggris.
    Persoalan ini seperti tidak pernah ada habis-habisnya, selalu diwariskan dari generasi ke generasi. Itu sebabnya, kemiskinan seolah selalu ada di permukaan bumi.
    Kemiskinan adalah siklus, lingkaran setan yang terus berputar dan menjadi perangkap manusia yang sudah ada di dalamnya, dan berpotensi memerangkap manusia-manusia lainnya yang lengah.

Kemiskinan dan Pendidikan
    Orang-orang yang tidak memiliki pendidikan cukup, selalu identik dengan

Selasa, 01 November 2011

Gene Associated With Multinodular Goiter: DUOX2 = Thyroid oxidase 2 gene

a.    The official name of the DUOX2 gene

       The official name of this gene is “dual oxidase 2.” DUOX2 is the gene's official symbol. The DUOX2 gene is also known by other names.

b.    The normal function of the DUOX2 gene

       The DUOX2 gene provides instructions for making an enzyme called dual oxidase 2. This enzyme is found in the thyroid gland (a butterfly-shaped tissue in the lower neck), salivary glands, the digestive tract, and airways in the throat and lungs. Dual oxidase 2 helps generate a chemical called hydrogen peroxide. In the thyroid,

Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Gene Associated With Multinodular Goiter: IYD = Iodotyrosine deiodinase gene

a. The official name of the IYD gene

   The official name of this gene is “iodotyrosine deiodinase.” IYD is the gene's official symbol. The IYD gene is also known by other names.

b. The normal function of the IYD gene

    From Entrez Gene:

    This gene encodes an enzyme that catalyzes the oxidative NADPH-dependent deiodination of  mono- and diiodotyrosine, which are

Gene Associated With Multinodular Goiter: TSHR = thyroid stimulating hormone receptor gene

a.    The official name of the TSHR gene

      The official name of this gene is “thyroid stimulating hormone receptor.” TSHR is the gene's official symbol. The TSHR gene is also known by other names.

b.    The normal function of the TSHR gene

       The TSHR gene provides instructions for making a receptor that serves as a customized binding site for a hormone called thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). This receptor spans the membrane of certain cells (called follicular cells) in the thyroid gland,

Gene Associated With Multinodular Goiter: SLC26A4 = Pendred syndrome gene (Pendrin)

a.    The official name of the SLC26A4 gene

      The official name of this gene is “solute carrier family 26, member 4.” SLC26A4 is the gene's official symbol. The SLC26A4 gene is also known by other names.

b.    The normal function of the SLC26A4 gene

       The SLC26A4 gene provides instructions for making a protein called pendrin. This protein transports negatively charged particles (ions), including chloride, iodide, and bicarbonate, across cell membranes. Pendrin is present in the kidneys, inner ear, and thyroid. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped tissue at the base of the neck that releases hormones to help regulate growth and the rate of chemical reactions in the body (metabolism).
       Although the function of pendrin is

Gene Associated With Multinodular Goiter: NIS (SLC5A5) = sodium-iodide symporter gene

a.    The normal function of the SLC5A5 gene
      The SLC5A5 gene provides instructions for making a protein called sodium-iodide symporter or NIS. In certain tissues, this protein facilitates the uptake of iodide (a negatively charged version of iodine). The NIS protein is found primarily in the thyroid gland, a butterfly-shaped tissue in the lower neck. The thyroid gland produces and releases iodide-containing thyroid hormones that play an important role in regulating growth, brain development, and the rate of chemical reactions in the body (metabolism). The NIS protein supports a remarkably efficient system that ensures iodine from the

Gene Associated With Multinodular Goiter: Thyroid peroxidase (TPO gene)

a.       The official name of the TPO gene

      The official name of this gene is “thyroid peroxidase.” TPO is the gene's official symbol. The TPO gene is also known by other names.

b.      The normal function of the TPO gene

       The TPO gene provides instructions for making an enzyme called thyroid peroxidase. This enzyme plays a central role in the function of the thyroid gland, a butterfly-shaped tissue in the lower neck. Thyroid peroxidase assists the chemical reaction that

Genes Associated With Multinodular Goiter

In contrast to sporadicgoiters, caused by spontaneous recessive genomic variation, most cases of familial goiter present an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance, indicating predominant genetic defects. Gene-gene interactions or various polygenic mechanisms (i.e. synergistic effects of several variants or polymorphisms) could increase the complexity of the pathogenesis of nontoxic goiter and offer an explanation for its genetic heterogeneity. A strong genetic predisposition is indicated by family and twin studies. Thus, children of parents with goiter have a significantly higher risk of developing goiter compared with children of nongoitrous parents. The high incidence in females and the higher concordance  in monozygotic than in dizygotic twins also suggested a genetic predisposition. Moreover, there is preliminary evidence of a positive family history for thyroid diseases in those who have postoperative relapse of goiter, which can occur from months to years after surgery.
Defects in genes that play an important role in thyroid physiology and thyroid hormone synthesis could predispose to the development of goiter, especially in case of borderline or overt iodine deficiency. Such defects could lead to dyshormonogenesis as an immediate response, thereby indirectly explaining the nodular transformation of the thyroid as late consequences of dyshormonogenesis, as a form of maladaptation.

The genes that encode the proteins involved in thyroid hormone synthesis, such as the thyroglobulin-gene (TG-gene), the thyroid peroxidase-gene (TPO-gene),

Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Mekanisme kerja hormon

Hormon kelompok I bersifat hidrofilik. Signal berupa kompleks  hormon- reseptor. Mekanisme aktivasi reseptor terjadi diawali dengan

Study Designs in Epidemiology

a. Cohort study
   • Scheme:
   • Selection of comparison groups (“sampling”) by exposure
   • By conduct:
     – Prospective (concurrent) cohort
     – Retrospective cohort
   • Main analytic approach:
     – Comparison of disease incidence by exposure status
   • Limitations:
     – effect of confounding
     – bias (selection bias, information bias)
     A total of 211 581 postmenopausal women who completed a baseline questionnaire in 1982 and had no history  of cancer, hysterectomy, or ovarian surgery at enrollment. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Ovarian cancer mortality, compared among never users, users at baseline, and former users as well as by total years of use of estrogen replacement therapy (ERT).

b. Case-control study
   • Scheme:

   • Sampling by outcome; exposure information collected retrospectively
   •Main analytic approach: Comparison of exposure prevalence by outcome status
     - Fatalities lost for study
     - Selection of controls
  •Exposure information bias
      OBJECTIVE: to examine the association between residential status and risk of hip fracture in older people. DESIGN: population-based case-control study. SETTING: Auckland, New Zealand. SUBJECTS: a random sample of all individuals > or = 60 years, hospitalized with a fracture of the proximal femur between July 1991 and February 1994. Controls were age and gender frequency-matched to the cases, randomly selected from a random sample of general practitioners. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: radiographically-confirmed fracture of the proximal femur. Fractures sustained as a result of major trauma, such as in a motor vehicle crash, and those associated with pre-existing pathological conditions were excluded. RESULTS: individuals living in institutions were almost four times more likely to sustain a hip fracture [age- and gender-adjusted odds ratio (OR)=3.8; 95% confidence interval (CI): 3.0-4.8] than those living in private homes. After adjustment for potential confounding factors, the risk of hip fracture associated with living in an institution remained significantly increased (P< 0.0001), although the magnitude of the risk was somewhat diminished (OR=2.2; 95% (CI: 1.5-3.5). CONCLUSIONS: living in an institution is associated with an increased risk of hip fracture in older people. Specific factors that place these individuals at increased risk need to be identified, in order to develop intervention strategies.

c. Experimental studies
   • Scheme:

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

The Genetic Aspects of Primary Congenital Hypothyroidism

  The TSH receptor gene (TSHR) encodes a transmembrane receptor present on the surface of follicular cells which mediates the effects of TSH secreted by the anterior pituitary and is critical for the development and function of the thyroid gland. The human TSHR gene is located on chromosome 14q31 and the extracellular domain of the receptor is encoded by nine exons, whereas the transmembrane and intracellular portions are encoded by a single large exon.
Organification defects leading to goitrous congenital hypothyroidism are now well known to have an autosomal recessive genetic basis.

Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Sintesis dan sekresi hormon tiroid

Dalam saluran cerna, diet iodium diubah menjadi iodida sehingga mudah diserap oleh perut bagian atas dan usus kecil. Iodida terkonsentrasi dalam tiroid dan jaringan lainnya. Biasanya pada pria, rasio tiroid:serum iodida sekitar 50:1. Namun, meningkat selama penggunaan obat anti-tiroid 400:1. Mekanisme pompa iodida terletak di perbatasan perifer dari sel folikel.

Tiroid mengandung sangat sedikit iodida bebas karena iodida sangat cepat teroksidasi menjadi iodium nascent, reaksinya tergantung pada enzim peroxidase pada sel sistem follikuler. Iodium aktif selanjutnya bergabung dengan residu amino-acid tyrosine  pada thyroglobulin (TGB) di daerah perifer dari folikel.

Senyawa yang dibentuk dengan iodinisasi oleh tyrosine adalah monodotyrosine (MIT) dan diiodotyrosine (DIT). Thyroxine (T-4) dibentuk oleh sepasang molekul DIT, sedangkan triiodothyronine (T-3) dibentuk oleh molekul MIT dan DIT. Selama proses sintesis dan penyimapanan subsequent di koloid, T-4 dan T-3 berikatan dengan thyroglobulin. Stase pertama proses pelepasan hormon adalah dengan cara menumpang melalui droplet koloid dari daerah perifer folikel ke dalam sel folikuler dengan cara pinocytosis. Hormon dibebaskan oleh kerja sistem proteinase, dengan menghidrolisis ikatan peptida pada thyroglobulin, dan selanjutnya dilepaskan ke dalam sirkulasi.

Fe (Zat besi)

        Zat besi merupakan unsur trace elemen terpenting bagi manusia. besi dengan konsentrasi tinggi terdapat dalam sel darah merah, yaitu sebagai bagian dari molekul hemoglobin yang menyangkut oksigen dari paru–paru. Hemoglobin akan mengangkut oksigen ke sel–sel yang membutuhkannya untuk metabolism glukosa, lemak dan protein menjadi energi (ATP). Besi juga merupakan bagian dari sistem enzim dan mioglobin, yaitu molekul yang mirip Hemoglobin yang terdapat di dalam sel–sel otot. Mioglobin akan berkaitan dengan oksigen dan mengangkutnya melalui darah ke sel–sel otot. Mioglobin yang berkaitan dengan

Suburkan Alam dengan Pupuk Cair Organik

Bio cicle forming merupakan rotasi peristiwa dalam kehidupan antara makhluk hidup dengan lingkungannya. Hal ini bertujuan untuk menjaga konsistensi homeostatis kehidupan. Alam menyediakan sumber kehidupan. Oleh karenanya, sebagai manusia yang bijak wajib memelihara kelestarian alam. Salah satu metode yang digunakan adalah dengan memanfaatkan sampah dan limbah menjadi pupuk organik.

Ada dua jenis pupuk yang dapat diperoleh dari pemanfaatan sampah dan limbah tersebut,yakni

Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011


Assalamu Alaikum,

Selamat datang di blog kami. Banyak hal yang terpendam dibenakku (Hehehe...... memendam apa ya..??). Kuingin menyampaikan ke semua orang, tapi via apa ya...?? Lama diriku mecari caranya, akhirnya terinspirasi juga tuk membuat BLOG. Ku beri nama "Hi Tech Ramah Lingkungan". Kenapa kok namanya "Hi Tech Ramah Lingkungan"..? Jawabannya simpel padat dan berisi, kuingin merawat alamku yang semakin hari terancam oleh Golbal Warming dan kuingin merawat tubuh ini dengan bahan-bahan alami. 

Prinsip hidup yang akan menuntunku dalam menjalani proses jawaban "Hi Tech Ramah Lingkungan" adalah :
Rasa takut kepada Tuhan membawa ketaqwaan dan memperkuat iman.
Rasa malu kepada diri sendiri akan menekan niat buruk dan memperhalus akal budi, dan
Rasa malu kepada sesama manusia dapat membendung tingkah laku buruk dan meninggikan budi pekerti.